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李庆军博士学术报告: Thoreau’s Embrace of Daoist Ideology in His Political Writing

作者:来源:外国语学院 编辑:赵路 访问次数:发布时间:2018-06-26

报告题目: Thoreau’s Embrace of Daoist Ideology in His Political Writing

主讲人:李庆军  博士

时  间:2018年7月3日(星期二)下午2:40-4:30

地  点:文科综合楼1917外国语学院会议室


                                                                                           学科办 外国语学院




Dr. Qingjun Li is Associate Professor of Asian Studies and Chinese Language at Belmont University. She was the recipient of 2014-2015 Virginia Chaney Distinguished Professor at Belmont University. She received her B.A. in English from Zhengzhou University, P.R. China and M.A. in English from Belmont University.  She holds a Ph. D. in English from Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU). Dr. Li’s research area includes Chinese American literature, Comparative Literature, Asian Studies, and Chinese language pedagogy. She was the recipient of an ASIA Network Freeman Student-Faculty Research Fellowship grant to lead four students’ research on “The Commodification of Culture in China’s New Cultural Industry” in the summer of 2014. She has served as Co-Director for Belmont’s China study abroad programs for more than ten years, having taken over 200 students to China.

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