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作者:来源:外国语学院 编辑:赵路 访问次数:发布时间:2018-03-15


主讲人:阿德丽娜  博士

时  间:2018年3月19日(星期一)晚上7:00-8:30

地  点:校学术报告厅

2.题目: 教师课堂教学策略与教学质量管控

主讲人:阿德丽娜  博士

时  间:2018年3月20日(星期二)下午4:30-6:00

地  点:文科综合楼1917外国语学院会议室


                                       科技处  外国语学院




Dr. Adelina Asmawi is a PhD supervisor and Deputy Dean of Undergraduate Studies and the Quality Manager at Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, Malaysia. She holds a PhD in Professional Development of Teachers, TESOL, and Instructional Technology from Melbourne Graduate School of Education (ranked second in the world by subject), University of Melbourne, Australia.

Dr. Adelina actively publishes in the areas of higher education, instructional technology, creative thinking, TESOL and professional development. Her works are published in international and Malaysian journals including International Journal of Learning, Asian Pacific Journal of Contemporary Education and Communication Technology, Online Journal of Distance Education and E-learning, the Modern Language Journal, and Malaysian Online Journal of Education Technology. Her most recent books are ‘The Art of Teaching English’ (2014), ‘Understanding Play in Children’s World’ (2014), 'The Art of Reflective Thinking' (2016), The Art of Creative Research (2017). and Thesis Easy (2018).

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